
Many of the following books are available through the Isanti County Historical Society (ICHS) for inhouse reference use and where indicated are available through inter-library loan from other repositories. A few are also available for sale.


Atlas and Platbook of Isanti County, 1914.  Published by The Farmer (magazine), 1914; Contains maps of each township with index to landholders. (ICHS)

Home Folks, Bergstrom, Vernon, 1988; 132 p., illustrated Republication of historically related stories published in the local newspaper.  Out of print, but available through interlibrary loan from East Central Regional Library in Cambridge, MN  (ICHS)

Isanti County, Minnesota--an illustrated history, Bergstrom, Vernon and Marilyn McGriff., 1985; 324 pages, appendices, bibliography, index.  Out of print, but available through interlibrary loan from East Central Regional Library in Cambridge, MN and selected other libraries in the state and around the country.  (ICHS)

Isanti County's man-power investment in the World War.  Brandt, H.R., Cambridge, MN, Carlson Printing Co., 1919; 98 p., illustrated. Includes photographs of the men from Isanti County who served in the war.  (ICHS)

Isanti County -- Township Maps, 1898 and Index of Landowners.  Published by the Isanti County Historical Society, 1987.; Reprint in book form of an 1898 wall map of the county. 31p.  Out of print, but photocopies of specific townships may be purchased from the Isanti County Historical Society.  (ICHS)

On the Banks of the Rum.  Johnson, Jeanne, Cambridge, MN. Centennial committee, 1966; 72p., illustrated; History of Cambridge; Not indexed, but a separate index is available from the Isanti County Historical Society.  Out of print, but available through interlibrary loan from East Central Regional Library, Cambridge, MN.  (ICHS)

Isanti County Collage . . . a collection from Travelers, McGriff, Marilyn., 1995; 154 pages, index, illustrations, maps; A compilation of stories from the first 10 years (1986-1995) of The Isanti County Traveler, an annual tabloid publication featuring historical and tourism-related articles.  Still in print and available for $12.95 + $2.25 shipping and handling from the author at 3102 - 413th Ave. NW, Braham, MN 55006. (Minnesota residents add 6.5% sales tax.) (ICHS)

A community transplanted : the trans-Atlantic experience of a Swedish immigrant settlement in the Upper Middle West, 1835-1915.  Ostergren, Robert C.; Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin Press, c1988; 400 p. illustrated., bibliography, index, maps.; Revision of Ostergren's thesis regarding the emigration of about 85 families from the parish of Rättvik, Sweden to Isanti County in the late 1800s.  Available from University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI. Contact for current price.  (ICHS)

Souvenir of Isanti County, Minnesota : including the villages of Cambridge, Braham, Isanti, Stanchfield, and Grandy.  Minneapolis, MN. Wall & Haines, 1902. Reprinted by The Isanti News, 1976. An illustrated promotional pamphlet  (ICHS)

Preserving a Sense of Heritage, Isanti, Minnesota, 1899-1999 by Marlys Wickstrom and Dutch Schoenecker. $19.95 plus $2.55 for postage and handling.  (ICHS)

Braham . . . the first 100 years "The busiest hive on the Great Northern Bee Line" by Phyllis Londgren. $25.00 plus $4.00 postage and handling.  (ICHS)


Braham Evangelical Covenant Church Centennial book, 1983; 127 p., illustrated.  (ICHS)

Braham Evangelical Lutheran Church, O God Our Help in Ages Past. 1979; 199 p., illustrated; Includes group confirmation photos with identification.  (ICHS)

Cambridge Lutheran Church, The lighted spire : the story of the first 100 years of the Cambridge Lutheran Church.  By Jeanne Johnson, 1964; 251 p., illustrated.
Not indexed but a separate index of names is available at the Isanti County Historical Society.  Out of print.  (ICHS)

Dalbo Baptist Church, 100th Anniversary. 1984 Pamphlet.  Not indexed. Out of print.  (ICHS)

Elim Baptist Church, Isanti, And They Came To Elim: The story of Elim Baptist Church of Isanti, Minnesota, written for her Fiftieth Anniversary, November 2, 1972.;By Myrtle Steele and Esther Larson, 1972; 24 p. illustrated., maps.  (ICHS)

Faith Lutheran Church, Isanti, Faith of our Fathers.  1977; Centennial book Out of print.  (ICHS)

First Baptist Church, Cambridge.  Through the Windows, First Baptist Church, 1888-1988, Cambridge, Minnesota.; 246 p., illus., indexed.; The Registry includes a chronology, list of moderators, statistics and membership. Available from the church at 304 S. Main, Cambridge, MN 55008 for $12.95.  (ICHS)

Karmel Covenant Church, Princeton.  75th Anniversary, 1960. Pamphlet.  (ICHS)

Long Lake Lutheran Church, Isanti, To God be the Glory: Celebrating 100 Years of Ministry, 1891-1991;55p., illus.; Not indexed.  Available from the church at 27765 Highway 47 N., Isanti, MN 55040.  Contact for current price.  (ICHS) 

Maple Ridge Free Church, Stanchfield, Golden Jubilee, 1948 (with supplement for 1948-1958); 60p.  (ICHS)

North Isanti Baptist Church, Cambridge, 125th Anniversary, 1985; 150p., illus.; Not indexed.; Available from the church at 2248 - 313th Ave. NE, Cambridge, MN 55008.  Contact for current price.  (ICHS)

St. John's Lutheran Church of Weber (LCMS) A Century of Blessings, 1870-1970; Pamphlet.(ICHS)

Salem Lutheran Church, Dalbo. Eternal Heritage in Christ, by Ann Lewis, 1974; 139 p., illus; Centennial book; Not indexed.  Out of print.  (ICHS)

Siloa Lutheran Church, Braham (Maple Ridge) Siloa Lutheran Church : sent forth by God's blessing since 1891. By Marilyn McGriff, 1991; 211 p., appendices, index, illustrated., maps; Lists Swedish immigrants, cemetery burials and members, past and present. Available for $12.95 from Siloa Cemetery Association, 2607 - 405th Ave.NW, Braham, MN 55006.  (ICHS)

Spring Lake Lutheran, North Branch, Spring Lake Lutheran, 1874-1974 : 100th anniversary; 151p. illustrated. (ICHS)

Spring Vale Baptist Church, 75th Anniversary book, 1961; 100th Anniversary book, 1986. (ICHS)

Stanchfield Baptist Church, Diamond Jubilee, 1941; Centennial Anniversary, 1966; Pamphlets. (ICHS)

Zion Lutheran Church (LCMS), Zimmerman, Centennial booklet, 1977; Pamphlets. (ICHS)

Last Updated: 03.11.2021