Biographies & Obituaries
If you have biographies or obituaries for Isanti County, please contact the Coordinator.
Minnie Larson Cedarholm
Mrs. Minnie Cedarholm, Grandy, Minnesota was born February 6, 1892 at
Milaca, Minnesota, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Larson; educated in public
schools of Isanti County; married in 1910 to Oscar W. Cedarholm of Grandy;
has two daughters, Myrtle and Eileen. Mrs. Cedarholm has been interested and
active in the work of the Nonpartisan League since its organization. She
organized the Women's Nonpartisan clubs and is president of the Grandy
Women's Nonpartisan club, president of the Isanti County Federation of
Women's Nonpartisan clubs; president of the State Executive committee of
Women's Nonpartisan clubs. She is a member of the board of directors of the
Minnesota Daily Star; secretary and treasurer of the Isanti and Chisago
County News and member of the Isanti County Child Welfare Board. Mrs.
Cedarholm is especially interested in working for the betterment of
conditions for the working classes, for health and education.
Source: Who's who Among Minnesota Women: A History of Woman's Work in
Minnesota from Pioneer Days to Date, Mary Dillon Foster, 1924, page 48 (has
photo MLC)