Clubs & Organizations
This section is for groups such as men's and women's clubs and organizations.TENTH DISTRICT, M. F. W. C.
The Tenth district is the youngest offspring of the Minnesota Federation of Women's Clubs. When Minneapolis became the Fifth Judicial district, the remaining territory consisting of rural Hennepin, Anoka, Pine, Chisago, Isanti, Kanabac, Mille Lac, Wright and Sherburne counties, became the tenth district.
The Wayzata Women's Club, the only federated club in the district, became the nucleus of the tenth federation. Mrs. W. T. Coe, president, called a meeting of organized groups of women, at the West Hotel Minneapolis in November, 1913. At a second meeting held at the same place the following year a constitution was adopted and officers elected. Thirty women were present, representing Monticello, Sandstone, Rush City, Anoka, Groveland, Excelsior and Wayzata. At the April, 1915, meeting nineteen clubs were represented and by December of the same year the number had increased to twenty-eight. Mrs. Frank Beatty of Anoka, the first county secretary of the M. F. W. C., assisted in organization. In October, 1915, Mrs. Coe was elected president of the state federation, and Mrs. John Irwin, Richfield, was appointed president of the district. At the December meeting of the federation Mrs. Irwin was elected, was obliged to resign in 1917, and Mrs. Frank Beatty was appointed. Mrs. Beatty perfected the plan of county secretaries, served as president for three years, and was succeeded by Mrs. R. H. Fairfield of Wayzata. The constitution was modified in 1920 to read that meetings might be held at any place in the district, which now comprises forty-eight clubs. Departmental and divisional plans of the general and Minnesota federations are followed. Three counties are organized under the new plan of county federation. In 1921 the district received a prize for the greatest number of community centers. The establishment of community centers and tourist camp grounds has been concentrated upon for four years; almost all the clubs in the federation having established a center or a camping site.
Source: Who's who Among Minnesota Women: A History of Woman's Work in Minnesota from Pioneer Days to Date, Mary Dillon Foster, 1924, page 212